Wednesday, December 7, 2016

vampire butt

Tonight I demonstrated what happens when I talk to children about what they think made me the way I am. Kids are awesome little genius storytellers. Thanks Niff, Joe and Luke!

I recorded this at Wiseguys Comedy in Salt Lake City on Dec 7, 2016.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

arms party

I tried a new story-style set Wednesday night at Wiseguys Comedy Club. It came out pretty good, but I can see where it slows down and already have ideas to punch it up.

A while ago, when I was starting comedy, Marcus Hardy hosted the open mic one night and gave me the initial idea behind this story. My buddy Joe, who rides to school with me each day, helped me flesh out some of the backstory, you could call it.

I've been trying this idea of writing a little story for open mic each Wednesday when I'm in Salt Lake City. Two weeks ago, on Nov 2, I tried the first one of these. I heard my best reviews ever from other comics that night. I didn't get a recording, but I am planning to tell an expanded version of that story at Tellabration in Olympia on Nov 25.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

street money

At open mic at Wiseguys, I mostly worked on arranging material. Except for one new joke, I was using older material, but playing around with tightening up bits and seeing where it all feels best. I need to do this a bit more often at some of the open mics that let me have longer than three minutes.

It's definitely an art! I like experimenting and just generally practicing being on stage. I'm told I'm going to hate these videos in a while. We'll see... It's good for other beginners to see how long it really takes to get good at comedy, I think.

Also, the comic before me spent her 3 minutes saying the word "pussy" 15 times, so I had to comment on it right up front.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

church kids

Woops! It's been way too long! Here's the video from last night's open mic at Wiseguys.

Also, check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel for any videos you may have missed!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

zen cleaning

Hey there! It's been over a month since I got an open mic set recorded. This was at Wiseguys Comedy in Salt Lake City, UT. I was just trying to get back into it, so I threw out a couple stories.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

growing up

Here's what I got March 30, 2016 at Wiseguys open mic in Salt Lake City. I spent some time perusing and adapting t.rex jokes I found on the internet.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

new relationship!!!

Big new!! A new friend in my life! Finally, after years of thinking it would never happen again! I told everyone about it at Wiseguys open mic on March 23, 2016.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

lesbian wine?

Always have fun at Wiseguys open mics! Didn't get video this time, but here's what I was working on that night.

lesbian wine?

from my comedy channel on

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

teaching ASL

Stuck to some basics at open mic the other night. This was Feb 24, 2016 at Wiseguys in Salt Lake City, UT. Have you noticed I'm actually standing up for most of my sets lately? I actually felt just a twinge of weakness towards the end of this longer set, but all went well!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

why wine?

I was talking to my nephew about stuff and wondered how wine became an industry in Italy. This is some of my wondering, plus a little story-let about it. This was from open mic at Wiseguys Comedy in Salt Lake City, UT on Feb 17, 2016.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

old man butt

Had fun earlier this month at Wiseguys Comedy in Salt Lake City, Utah! Found out I'm disabled! Who would of thought! This was from Feb 3, 2016.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

hobby hands

Here I am back at Wiseguys! This was from Wed, Jan 20, 2016.

It's almost the exact same routine as a couple weeks ago, but I got video captured this time. The wording is a little different as well as a different audience. I'll have to work out which parts are better between the two, but I really like the concept. There may be more like this soon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

ice climbing and teaching ASL

My camera slid down just as I was getting on stage, so no video, but I recovered the audio from my set at Wiseguys open mic Wednesday night. I was rambling on about my latest adventures.

Here's what I got recorded.

ice climbing and teaching ASL

from my comedy channel on